
Monday, August 23, 2010

Coffee Table: Fin

After looking at it in the room, the pulling of the color wasn't such a big deal.


  1. Very nice! It's a shame, I can see the potential that people will take it for granted and not even notice it. I mean, coffee tables are so common and all. I guess that's the case with most things we'd build - shelves, tables, chairs - who notices unless it's crap? :)

    But you should be proud - it's a fine-looking table!

  2. Thank you, I know my parents will know they have been wondering when I'd finish (they just don't know how long it takes to woodwork you know?). I plan on repossessing it when they can't use it anymore i.e. go into a nursing home or die still a ways off yet. Then I'll be able to tell my kids and the grandkids about it. Then who knows, maybe some future galoot will pick it up at auction to recreate/fix it and be tickled to find a vintage 2010 custom piece fixable because it was built with hide glue.

    I have an imagination I guess.
