
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Frame and Panel Cherry Table

Here are the images for a table I've been commissioned for. I'm excited as it's my first full fledged commission, and I've gotten to buy a few new tools to help build it.

Not all the details are in there, because some of them weren't finalized yet. Also some details have changed, such as the stile arrangement. Which is now like it is below.


  1. Al, I use Google Sketchup, I like it because it's easy to learn the software and can build the things I design. Some other programs have more functionality, but wind up getting in the way of themselves. I deleted your post because of the outside link, I don't mind links from names, but I don't want posts cluttered with spammy links. So in fairness I keep all links in the body test off of the site.


  2. Thanks for posting back Trevor. I quite understand about links. I am interested to see what others are using in the carpentry world to do their design. I have read various critiques of Google Sketchup, saying that it is quite difficult to use but I guess it depends how computer literate one is. The results certainly look good. Thanks again.
