
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Busy as a Bee

There's not any woodworking or planemaking in this post, but rather about 250 reasons why I've been busy with other chores and delights the last few weeks. Here is a shot of our deck in the city, we're about to entertain guests and grill, corn, veggies, biscuits, and hot dogs. In the background you can see the defunct top bar hive, two langstroth hives and all the vegetable and flower starts for this season. There is a lot of food growing here!

In the big buckets in the back there are red onion and garlic, in the cups, parsley, tomatoes of various sorts, hot peppers, cucumbers, marigolds, basil, squash, dry beans and more. 

 These are an amazing fractal headed broccoli, and peppers.

Do you know what this is? It looks like basil, but it isn't. I suppose the tag gives it away. It's a fish pepper. They have variegated leaves and sometimes the pods are albino, which were used by black caterers extensively in Baltimore back in the day to spice fish and seafood cream dishes and soups. I'm very excited to cook with them, and smoke peppers!

We also recently started melons, winter squash, and more dry beans. Two of my little goji plants have sprouted! which I'm really excited for. I have to start some more of them.

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