Here are my legs, nice huh? I've marked the locations of the morti as per Alan's request, so there are no goofs while boring out the morti.
Here I am using the horizontal boring machine, with and solid carbide slot drill to bore the waste, this is a piece of tooling from the metalworking field. It's so named because unlike most other metal cutting endmills it can cut all the way to the center of the cutter, most can not. Thusly, it can cut slots, because it only has two flutes it also has more chip clearance.
The slot drill leaves a fantastic surface, however it also leaves a half-round at the top and bottom of the morti, April was in attendance and we spent a few minutes squaring the ends. What?! you round your tenons? Shame on you. (It doesn't matter, I just like square better, sharp corners not looking like they were made by machines you know.)
One guy in the class (with whom I banter about the judicial use of electrons with) brought a lovely (well looks lovely) LN #212 scraper plane with him. He couldn't get it to work, after some fussing and lack of regard to "the instructions" Mario got it singing pretty sweetly on a piece of gnarly Sapelle.
This weekend will be a busy one, I'm gathering materials for the bed build, a workbench, a kitchen table and traveling to Hearne Hardwoods for another LN handtool event, I'll be talking to Raney of Daed Toolworks about a plane, and I'm tickled.
Stay tuned for lumber haul photos and notes about the bed design.
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