
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Waterbury Pembroke Table Class

It's been a while, oops, however I have started work on a project that will keep me posting at least weekly for the next eight weeks. You guessed it, I'm taking another furniture building class at the Philadelphia Furniture Workshop. As I like to call classes I take there, my apprenticeship (long overdue, I've been wasting time since age 14) I'm excited. This one is a mahogany Pembroke table, I hadn't been a fan of these, but I think that was largely due to only really having seen Federal tables with bandings, stringing and a whole lot of veneer-work. I fell in love with the top and am excited for the technical challenges of the rule joint, hinge, rule-joint hinge mounting etc.

I'm light on pictures, okay I have no pictures yet, but on the first class we milled up all the lumber for the top center glue up, and the leaves. We stacked off cuts for the apron stock and the mysterious 8/4 for the legs was not present. I suspect they still have it on order considering it's an 8 week class. I couldn't bear to glue up with PVA, so I went in the day after with some liquid hide, to make my top glue up. Mario busts my chops over this, but I'm fine with that.

Here's a shot of their showoff table. Nice.

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